Thank You for Supporting Sugar Bear's Virtual Memorial Run and Upcoming Events

We greatly appreciate everyone who participated in Sugar Bear's Virtual Memorial Run. I know he would be honored for this event, especially since funds raised go to our programs and those of the Marine Corps Association. Our plan is to grow this event so we can continue to share his story and celebrate his life while we raise awareness on behalf of my fellow Gold Star families. 

We have a lot of opportunities for our families as our Team continues to work and provide support. We are very excited to share a new scholarship (San Diego Families) on behalf of our friends from Cal Coast Academy. Additionally, we have our upcoming Bank of America Virtual Financial Literacy Workshop for Spouses and Teens preparing for College.  If you are a spouse with entrepreneurial goals, want to start your own business, or expand an existing one then the Rosie Network's Service2CEO Program may be for you. Contact our to view a recorded information session, attend a new one or simply get more program information. 

For spouses and coordinators in North Carolina (close to Seymour Johnson  Air Force Base), we will be offering a Lunch and Learn about our programs and services. We hope you will join us

As always we welcome and appreciate your support. If you have an idea that you would like to share with us please contact our

To our families, we hope you will check out the upcoming events and opportunities. Please know we are here for you!  To our supporters thank you for helping us give back to spouses and children who have given their all. 

Thank you,

Jennifer Carazo 
President/Gold Star wife 

Thirteen Years - Honoring the past while moving forward

It’s that wonderful time of year when the kids are out of school, parents are juggling camps, activities, and vacations. Most of us are enjoying BBQs and warm days. Summer is here and I hope this is a time of enjoyment for our friends, supporters, and families. I know when my children were younger, summer meant a welcomed departure from our over-scheduled routines. I loved them being out of school and the break from homework, sports teams, and regular activities. It was more enjoyable to spend uninterrupted time with them. No cares nor worries!  Until they got bored, then we counted the days for school to start.

Unfortunately, summer also conjures some other memories for me that are not so pleasant… losing Mario. Thirteen years ago there was a real pause where it seems as though everything stopped - At least the life we knew. I was in a complete haze and in a permanent state of exhaustion all while trying to keep it together for our two young children. Those days of carefree living would now be a very distant memory. I will never be able to explain or articulate clearly how desperately overwhelmed and scared I felt. Life did not go as planned. In fact, it felt as though it cruelly deviated from what was supposed to be. Life felt uncertain and erratic. And yet, I also remember feeling so blessed and grateful for my parents, so many good friends, and our Marine Corps/military community that surrounded us and kept me going. We felt (and still do) so loved and supported and it has made all the difference in the world especially now thirteen years later.

Our friends, especially from the military, community literally saved me and gave us the ability to move forward in life. They enabled us to make a solid transition while feeling stable, secure and loved. 

For me, I take those memories and pour them into our work on a daily basis. It is an innate but necessary function. Our Team equally works to instill in our families that same sense of support that was extended to us. We want them to know they have a network that is going to be there for the long haul in the hopes that they too will forge a new path that will lead them to a sense of peace, happiness, and fulfillment. Simply put, because they deserve it!

To better understand this incredible sense of loss, we invite you to read about the heroes on our new Honor Wall. Their service and the sacrifice of the families left behind are why we do what we do! 

Thirteen years later and I am in awe of how much my life has changed. My children make me so proud and I am certain Mario has brought incredible people into our lives so our own paths continue to evolve and flow. I know we are still incredibly blessed. I never could have imagined I would not only be running a foundation but one that is steadily expanding. This past year has been an incredible year of growth for us with our Team, program offerings, partnerships, and the number of families we are serving. We hear daily from more and more spouses inquiring about our programs, facing specific challenges, and needing support. As such, we are working to ensure we are assisting as many as possible. 

One of our most utilized programs is our Financial Assistance Employment Program. Many of our spouses deal with additional trauma and financial constraints when losing their service member. Sometimes they have to step away from the workforce and careers as their children need them, they are trying to get their lives back on track or simply the loss has taken an emotional and physical toll on their health. This is completely understandable and in an effort to best serve our spouses, we have recently updated our Employment Assistance support so they feel they are receiving more individualized attention and can attain a position that best meets their current needs.

Additionally, we are working on more virtual workshops and in-person events. We have some amazing partnerships with organizations and companies that understand the needs of our community and want to help our families. 

Although we are grateful for these opportunities, we are equally appreciative of the contributions we receive through donations, grants, sponsors, and fundraisers. Thank you to all who have supported our work and are helping us give back to our families!

We hope you will check out our new Sponsor Page. These contributions are needed as we continue to grow and serve more families throughout the United States. I am personally grateful. Please know you are helping make a real impact and changing the trajectory of our families lives. 

With July on the horizon, we are promoting the annual Sugar Bear Virtual Memorial Run as this very special tribute raises funds for programs that support Marines and our families. I know Sugar Bear would be honored. It really is the best way to celebrate his life and to continue his legacy of service. I hope you will take part and help us spread the word. 

Additionally, please see the special offer from Kendra Scott and the beautiful jewelry pieces they put together for us. Funds raised from their sale will go directly toward our programs.

Spouses, as always, we ask that you reach out to us at with any questions or needs you might have (make sure to check your spam folder too) and if you have not already done so, please take our survey so we can best assist you and your family. Be on the lookout for more virtual workshops and local events we are currently planning! 

To our friends and supporters again I cannot thank you enough. Although my days are long and spent sitting at my desk, attending events and meetings, I feel incredibly fulfilled and blessed for the work we are doing and to have this opportunity to give back to the families who have given their all. 

Thank you,

Jennifer Carazo 
Gold Star wife/President 

Upcoming Virtual Workshop, Partnerships, and More...

We hope all of our friends and families had a wonderful Easter. Our Team continues to work on opportunities to best serve our families with career, educational, financial, and wellness programs. As such we have a new virtual information session to offer our spouses who have entrepreneurial goals. We are happy to work with The Rosie Network on this event and to introduce our spouses to their incredible programs.

Our Financial and Resource Counselor, Erica Brophy, and I recently had the privilege of talking with Daryl Mackin, the Founder and Executive Director of a Soldier's Child and host of the ASC Podcast. Erica and I were able to share about our late husbands, life after loss, and our work on behalf of our fellow Gold Star spouses through Sugar Bear Foundation. We hope you will listen! On a side note, we are honored to partner with ASC to better serve our Gold Star community.

And speaking of partnering, if you would like to join us and help with our Mentoring Program please contact our The program is geared towards assisting our college-aged Gold Star youth, many of whom are seeking educational and career advice geared towards the military, professional development, and future employment. This is a great opportunity for our veterans, business leaders, and those involved in spouses' clubs. 

For our spouses and families, make sure to reach out to us with your questions, take our survey and join one of our events. We are always here to serve you. 

Thank you,

Jennifer Carazo 
Gold Star wife/President 

Happy New Year and January Updates

Happy New Year! We want to wish our supporters and families a wonderful new year. We also hope our spouses will take advantage of our upcoming virtual workshops. We are thrilled to work with our friends again from Bank of America's Better Money Habits Team and discuss tips and strategies to Deal with Debt. Additionally, we have our own certified Coach Susan Hannifin-MacNab to share her professional and personal insight on Parenting After Loss. Both of these workshops are focused on helping our families get their questions answered and addressing personal challenges. We look forward to presenting these sessions and are working on future events. If you are not able to attend either workshop you can view the recordings. We also encourage our spouses to reach out and make an appointment with our Financial/Resource Counselor or look into our partnership with Hiring Our Heroes. Make this your year to start a new path and embrace all of the opportunities available to you. 

For our supporters, we could not run any of our programs, provide workshops, or our events without your help. As such we would like to thank our friends from the Patriot Military Family Foundation for their assistance with our North Carolina families and recent grant.  We are always open to suggestions regarding support and appreciate any and all help. We are looking for Mentors to work with our Gold Star/Surviving Students who are currently enrolled in college or trade school. Your time can make a real impact! 

Our Team is constantly working to provide specific tangible support for our families. We base our programs, events, and opportunities around the support that will best help spouses and children create a new stable path after enduring the loss of their service member. As such, we invite our Registered spouses to complete our latest survey. If you are not registered please get in touch with our

For our spouses and friends who would like information on any of our programs, support, or mentoring please contact

To our families, we are here for you always! To our supporters thank you for helping us not only sustain our programs but also continue to grow and give back in Sugar Bear's honor. 

Thank you,

Jennifer Carazo 
Gold Star wife/President