“I’m Beyond Thankful” - Gold Star Wife and Recent Resume Recipient

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Our Resume Scholarship is available for both Gold Star spouses and teens to assist them with their educational and employment needs.

The following comes from one of our recent recipients…

“I am beyond thankful to have found The Sugar Bear Foundation. I am a Gold Star wife and have had quite the journey since losing my husband. I have spent the last 12 years raising my children, and gladly focusing just on them, as they were my priority. As my oldest is about to graduate, I wanted to get back out in the work force, but desperately needed help with a resume. The Sugar Bear Foundation was able to set me up with someone, free of charge, to help build my resume. It was such a relief to have help, without a price tag attached to it. The process was incredibly easy and helpful! I am so thankful to have had this opportunity!

Thank you guys so much for what you do for Gold Star Families. We appreciate every little bit!”