
Congratulations to Gold Star wife Erica Brophy! Erica is our most recent Coaching Scholarship recipient and the Founder of Gold Star Family Resources

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Thank you to the Sugar Bear Foundation for this wonderful opportunity to work with Sarah Davis. I decided to apply for the coaching scholarship because it’s been a struggle for me to find my purpose in life after loss.  I’ve always had a drive and was fortunate to still have a successful career even as a military wife until the unexpected happened.  My husband, USMC Major James Brophy, was killed along with five other Marines in an aviation training mishap on December 6, 2018 off the coast of Japan.  My two children will always be my top priority but my outlook on life has changed and now I’m on a mission to find my purpose as I journey forward. 

I knew eventually I wanted to do meaningful work but wasn’t sure what that looked like until I recently created a website (www.goldstarfamilyresources.com); centralizing resources for Gold Star families that provides guidance, checklists, and blog posts written from my own experience and perspective.  My hope is to provide clarity and guidance for anyone that goes through this unimaginable process.

Through my coaching I hope to gain a better awareness of my personal strengths as a leader so that I can better serve the Gold Star family community with my career goal as a Survivor Advocate.  Stay tuned for this new chapter as I keep going and keep growing!

Much love and gratitude,

Erica Brophy, Gold Star Wife
Founder of Gold Star Family Resources

Last family pic together was taken in Japan Nov 2018

Last family pic together was taken in Japan Nov 2018

Picture of James was taken in Iwo Jima in Sept 2018

Picture of James was taken in Iwo Jima in Sept 2018

Final Marine Corps ball pic taken in Nov 2018

Final Marine Corps ball pic taken in Nov 2018

Congratulations to Gold Star wife Jenna Henderson Our Most Recent Coaching Scholarship Recipient!

Jenna Henderson

Jenna Henderson

“I just wanted to thank everyone for allowing me the opportunity to work with Sara through this scholarship. My husband, SFC Christopher D. Henderson, was killed in Afghanistan in 2007. At the time, our daughter was 8 years old. I threw all my energy into raising her and making sure she was okay. Fast forward to today, Kayley is 22 now about to graduate college and living her own life. I also went back to school and recently graduated. With all that being said, I have found myself struggling with direction and a desire to grow as a person, mother, and all the aspects within my life. I’ve felt a little lost lately on who I am and where I want to be in life. This is the first time I have the chance to “grow” me, and I am so very grateful for the opportunity to do so.

Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity. I look forward to sharing with you all the results in the future.

Jennifer (Jenna) R. Henderson”

Chris Afghanistan 2007

Chris Afghanistan 2007

Chris and Kayley 2005

Chris and Kayley 2005

Chris and Jenna 1999

Chris and Jenna 1999

Chris 2000

Chris 2000

Jenna and Kayley 2019

Jenna and Kayley 2019

Jenna 2019

Jenna 2019

Congratulations to Rah Freestone - Our Latest Coaching Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations to Rah Freestone! Rah is our latest Coaching Scholarship Recipient and we are honored to share her story and to work with this amazing Gold Star wife.


“I am honored to have been selected for this coaching scholarship with Sarah Davis! 

A lot has changed since I became a Gold Star Spouse on 30 January 2007 when my late husband Milton A. Gist, Jr. was killed in Iraq. First, our children were just one and four years old. Today, they are 14 and 17! 

SGT Milton A. Gist, Jr. and our family

SGT Milton A. Gist, Jr. and our family

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That first year, I hired my very first coach. It helped me set goals that as a fresh widow in the thickest fog of emotions, I couldn’t do for myself and was too independent to let those around me watching me hurt muddle through with me. I made some really great decisions after that. And it looked like I had it all together. Then, less than two years after coaching ended, life fell apart again. I didn’t know what I was doing and ended up divorced and starting all over. 

Over the years since, I hired coaches off and on getting better and better at knowing when to ask for help and also not knowing where the money would come from or whether it was okay to use military benefits for myself. 

As a coach-in-training and early in my practice, I made connections and kept moving forward the best I could. It wasn’t until I realized that the constant source of my strength came from God (He has a very special relationship with the widowed and fatherless), that I could best understand where coaching fit into my life. 

Today, as a wife, mom/stepmom and Proactive Stress Management coach, I have a whole new set of challenges and goals. I specifically need help and accountability stretching my mindset in preparation for reaching my career and business goals. I am confident that Ms. Davis is a good fit for me exactly where I am, and that the timing and opportunity for this honor has been orchestrated beyond my understanding. 

Thank you so very much!


Rah Freestone”

Rah, her husband, and new family

Rah, her husband, and new family

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*Photos provided by Rah Freestone

New Coaching Scholarship Recipient - Margie Grube


Congratulations to Gold Star spouse, Margie Grube! Margie was selected as a coaching scholarship recipient to work with Sarah Davis of ReCreate These scholarships are a new and necessary program we are providing to those who have lost their service member and are looking to create a new life after loss.

Margie recently shared this with Sugar Bear Foundation…

“Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to have a scholarship with Sarah Davis.  My husband, Navy SEAL, Devon Grube, died 12/28/16.  At the time of his death my three children were 1 yr old, 3 yrs old, and 6 years old.  My whole world and future crumbled before me.  3.5 years have passed, and I am working on knowing and growing this new woman and mom I have become.  I am thankful for this opportunity to help me with the transition from a life and future that me and my husband had planned out, to a new journey with me and my kids alone.  My goals are to build a path and future to be successful, fulfilled and empowered as I learn to navigate this new life before me.”


Our Coaching Scholarship has also helped Krista Simpson Anderson, our previous recipient who conveyed her reason for applying for the scholarship…

“I needed direction and clarity about how to move forward professionally. I wanted to make a change professionally and wasn’t sure why, how, or what direction to take. What I would be good at and what would create more joy than stress.”

If you are a Gold Star Spouse who needs similar help and would like to apply for a Coaching Scholarship, please visit our Coaching Scholarship for Gold Star Spouses article for more information.